Arriving in Nice, France and meeting the tour group.
I left Kansas City,on Delta, Saturday, May 14, 2005 at 2PM
and arrived in Paris to transfer to Air France Sunday morning.
Arrived in Nice at 1:00 PM. Took bus to Hotel Mercure, Nice "Marche
aux Fleurs." The hotel was located across the promenade
of the
French Riviera. The hotel was very nice with large bedroom and bathroom.I
met my roomate for the first two nights, singles are rotated through
out the trip.
I took
a shower and a quick stroll down the promenade before meeting the
group. The
group met in the breakfast room of the hotel at 5:00 PM.
There we met Patrick
Videl, our tour guide, Mathieu Walreven, our bus driver and introductions
were made to meet the members.
Then we followed Patrick to an outdoor cafe
in the heart of " Old Nice" for
dinner. This is going to be a great trip. The members are very friendly
and interesting.